
collective :: Beloved Aoi
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Catt's books

Four and Twenty Blackbirds
Wings to the Kingdom
Not Flesh Nor Feathers
Those Who Went Remain There Still
Dreadful Skin
The Living Dead 2
The Thackery T. Lambshead Cabinet of Curiosities: Exhibits, Oddities, Images, and Stories from Top Authors and Artists
Bewere the Night
The Inexplicables
Dead Witch Walking
The Good, the Bad, and the Undead
Every Which Way But Dead
A Fistful of Charms

Catt's favorite books ยป

Note to self: try to get a copy of the December 26th issue of InTouch. Ransh, baby.

…..ugh. Bad gender-switch fic. *twitches*

So. Um. Monday night we lost heat. Tuesday afternoon a man came from Strine and now we have heat, but he needs to come back and replace a switch. Since he didn’t return yesterday, it will apparently have to be ordered. Luckily, we have a service contract, and we’re still under warranty, so we’re covered.

Yesterday we went to Chapp’s for a late birthday dinner for Mom. That was nice. Aside from that, the day kind of sucked.

Sunday pretty much sucked, too. The sister and her fiance came bearing presents for more than just my mom, which, well, were unreciprocated, since I, having not exchanged gifts with her for a few years at least, wasn’t expecting to have to this year. And I’m starting to think that John is actually kind of an asshole with spurts of nice. Or. Nice-scented weirdness, at any rate.

I’m debating adding “House” to my Netflix queue. The main character seems to be kind of sarcastic and people-hating, which may actually make up for the whole doctor thing.

Is it sad that the thing I’m most looking forward to on Christmas is getting my Crimbo stocking in KoL? ……it is, isn’t it? Figures.

sounds like ashlee simpson, “l.o.v.e.”


You can get personalized Sharpies at the Sharpie store. That’s pretty cool. The minimum order’s 6, and its $12, which actually isn’t bad. I’m resisting pretty easily, tho, on account of being spoiled by clickable Sharpies. Heh.

Finally got the payment I was waiting for, postmarked a couple days after I filed the unpaid item claim. Why do so many people need the threat of strikes against their account to get them to pay for things? I don’t understand it, I really don’t. And how fucking hard is it to just LET A PERSON KNOW YOU’RE SENDING THEIR MONEY? Jesus. I hope he wasn’t planning on having this as a Christmas gift for somebody, cause I say in my listings that I don’t mail till checks clear, and he sent a check — late! — anyway. And so help me if he gets pissy in my feedback because he’s illiterate and uncommunicative, I’m tracking him down and killing him. It won’t be hard, I already have his address.

I’m attempting to make something from one of the X3 promo shots, because they make me very happy, and Famke is gorgeous like WOAH! and. Yeah. I mean, she’s always pretty, but nmjhenenwfmewu84njg5rngvnhjw. And that’s all I have to say about that.


I plan on doing very little today. I feel weak and tired and vaguely ill, most of which I’m sure is related to the headache I’ve had off and on for the last couple days. Nature seems to agree with my plan, since we’re due to get a snow storm this afternoon.

If I feel better later, I might bake some cookies. At the moment, though, my plan for the day mostly involves playing Animal Crossing, and possibly working on crafty things, and a whole lot of cocoa and napping.

The napping sounds especially good just now.


Okay. Birthday and Christmas presents for the mother are downstairs and wrapped. Birthday present for beloved downstairs and wrapped, Christmas presents ordered. Christmas present for brother ordered. Christmas presents for Irishman more or less acquired. Sunny’s combination gift is here, but needs adjusting, and knowing the way I work, she probably won’t get it till fucking March or something.

Still have nothing for sister-in-law or Glorything, or Irishman’s birthday present.

Luckily, the aunts and uncles have not given me so much as a card in years, so I don’t have to worry about them, and to the best of my knowledge, the sister and her fiance are not getting me anything, so I don’t have to worry about them, either.

And so help me, if they show up with something for me, I’ll kill ’em. And if its another novelty pillow, well, at least I’ll have the weapon on hand.

I should really go to Borders today and use one of those coupons for Jen’s gift. I just hate going shopping at this time of year. I hate this time of year, period, and I’ve never liked shopping, so you can imagine the two combined.

Remind me again why I can’t just sleep through December?


*snorts* I was doing the “email to a friend!” thing on eBay, and I typed “It has two actresses I want in it.” As opposed to “two actresses I love.”

Hello, Freud, nice slip.


Dear people –

There’s less than three hours left. I’m not asking a lot of money. No one else is interested. So stop watching and fucking bid on my auctions, already.

Also, if the punter who won manga from me last week could see their way around to PAYING ME, that’d be super.

very little love, me.


I wish you could get See Jane Date on DVD. I’ve seen it once or twice on eBay, clearly fanmade copies, but y’know, I’m okay with that. If they’d do an official release, I’d be all over it, but they haven’t, so screw ’em.

So, turns out that Mom has been eyeing the binder for my Christmas present. I have mixed feelings about it. And I can’t effectively tell her not to, because she’ll be all, “I thought you wanted it” and yeah, I do, its just. There’s levels and catagories of things I want, y’know? And that happens to be in the “Love It, Won’t Ever Get It” catagory, which I treat like some people treat photo albums. You take it out and flip through, you moon over stuff and talk about it, and then in the end you sigh and put it away. So when faced with the idea of actually having it, my brain just pulls up short. Does not compute, please enter data again.

Hm. Charisma did a bunch of episodes of “Veronica Mars.” Now I kinda wish I watched that show. Or that I had DSL. Stupid Verizon, not having that service in our area. Beh.

There’s chocolate cake. I’m thinking of having some. Breakfast of champions, yo.