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Catt's books

Four and Twenty Blackbirds
Wings to the Kingdom
Not Flesh Nor Feathers
Those Who Went Remain There Still
Dreadful Skin
The Living Dead 2
The Thackery T. Lambshead Cabinet of Curiosities: Exhibits, Oddities, Images, and Stories from Top Authors and Artists
Bewere the Night
The Inexplicables
Dead Witch Walking
The Good, the Bad, and the Undead
Every Which Way But Dead
A Fistful of Charms

Catt's favorite books ยป

I’m messing around with The Dialectizer, mostly out of boredom. I probably will be moving on to other time wasters, as their definition of “hacker” seems to be “wannabe net-teenie retard,” and for some reason I’m finding that really, really annoying.

I’m reading a new author, or new-to-me author. I only just noticed the “yay, read it!” blurbs on the back both amount to calling the guy the new Stephen King, and somehow I think ol’ Uncle Stevie would take some mild exception to that. I mean, sure its flattering (to both parties, really, because one’s basically getting called the standard to live up to, while the other is getting described as living up to it), but its also kind of forcing the other guy into a box that might not be the right shape or size, and there’s also the whole thing of, y’know, Stephen King not being dead yet. Why do we need new ones if the old one’s still here and still working?

…that last paragraph made me sound like way more of a King fan than I actually am, I think. I have, like, five of his books, two of which I haven’t read, and one of the ones I have read was a collection of short stories. That I bought solely to read “1408.” (Why is “solely” not looking like a word?) And since I’m being honest, two of the books I have, I bought on the basis of liking stories in the collection that mentioned those books as being related/similar in their forewards.

That last sentence was so awkward. I keep trying to rearrange it in my head, but it doesn’t get less awkward. Solely still doesn’t look like a word. I’m blaming both on the fact that I’ve been up for 11 hours and have eaten once.

I think I will go rectify that, now.


Aaaaaaaaaaand I totally forgot to mention: I made a city! You can almost hear my dorkitude growing! Behold, Arithens, City of…Arith? I don’t know, work with me here. Its sort-of named for my LJ name — Arithil, Arithens. It doesn’t really get any better for being explained.

Anyway, supposedly your city will grow as it is visited more, so this is mostly just me trying to remind myself to visit it. Misanthropy is well and good, but a city of one person doesn’t really work so well.

Y’know. Unless its Will smith.


Dude, I know I hadn’t gone to GJ in forever, but I hadn’t realized things had gone so cock-sideways that you can’t even log in anymore. Like, it expires roughly .02 seconds after you do it. Guess I won’t be deleting that RP back-up, after all….

There was something in Entertainment Weekly about racy pictures of Miley Cyrus, which I absolutely cannot wrap my head around. Hell, I’m having trouble with just “racy” and “Miley Cyrus” existing in the same sentence. ….and having now Googled it, I have to say that whoever dubbed these racy in the first place has obviously never been within a thousand miles of teenage girls operating on no sleep, lots of sugar, and left alone with a digital camera. In fact, you don’t even necessarily need the lack of sleep and sugar overdose. Boredom and the giggly rush of teenage friendships is usually enough. Jeez. Call me when you’ve got Miley in her underwear Frenching a girl, and then we’ll talk racy and lesbian.

….please don’t actually call me if those pictures ever exist. Seriously. I think it would break my brain, and not in any of the good ways.


So tired. Really gotta stop the whole “staying up for 20+ hours at a time” thing.

I’m trying to wade through my old comp, get stuff off it so I can set up my new comp, and get stuff onto that one. It would probably be a lot easier if I could get a dial tone on Poofu’s modem. The wires into and out of the UPS backup thing seem fine, and its firmly into the wall…which means it must have come loose from the back of the tower, and the thought of pulling it out and fixing it kind of makes me want to cry, even when I’m not exhausted.

But its either that or set it all onto zip disks, and then find a place that can transfer it all to cds, because comps don’t have zip drives anymore, and while I did hang on to the old external zip drive my brother gave me, I don’t know if it will work with new computers. Hell, I don’t know if it can even connect to one.

Bleyurgh. This is why the new machine is still sitting in the box, people.

I’m too tired to even fucking think about this anymore. I’m going to bed.