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Catt's books

Four and Twenty Blackbirds
Wings to the Kingdom
Not Flesh Nor Feathers
Those Who Went Remain There Still
Dreadful Skin
The Living Dead 2
The Thackery T. Lambshead Cabinet of Curiosities: Exhibits, Oddities, Images, and Stories from Top Authors and Artists
Bewere the Night
The Inexplicables
Dead Witch Walking
The Good, the Bad, and the Undead
Every Which Way But Dead
A Fistful of Charms

Catt's favorite books ยป

Mom got me Tonner Supergirl for Christmas, because she is awesome. Possibly also because Samantha’s Doll’s sent us that nice Cyber Monday coupon. But mostly because she is awesome.

Christmas was okay. I didn’t feel too mopey, and the food was good and there was unexpected gift cards and candy. Unfortunately, there was also unexpected headaches, complete with ouchy neck and nausea.

I took a monster Motrin and slept some and feel a bit better. I am going to sleep more, though, just as soon as my damn upload finishes. Stupid FTP. Stupid dial-up.


So I’m waiting for a page to load, and I get this message:

That would be bad. That would be very bad.

Part of me is all, “hee! Ghostbusters, awesome.” And the rest of me thinks they did not see the whole movie, because those two getting together is a Bad Thing. And yet, hee! Ghostbusters, awesome. I kind of want to watch it, now.

We went to Brown’s yesterday to get Jen’s annual candy, aka the very last of the Christmas shopping. We also picked up cookies, some to give and some to eat, and among those we got to eat, I picked up some snickerdoodles. I have long been intrigued by them, but didn’t really want to have to bake them just to find out whether or not I liked them, and Brown’s had a little container of six. Having now tried them, I’m…honestly not sure how I feel about them. Cinnamon, yay. But there’s an oddness underneath, which I guess is the cream of tartar? I don’t know. I’ll probably have another at some point to try and figure it out better, but at the moment, I think I’m just glad there were only six in the package.

I still don’t feel like making my chocolate chip chunk pecan cookies. Or, really, anything at all. But I might, just for the happy of Mom mmm’ing and saying how good they are. I could use some happy about now.


Uploaded a nice wintery header image. Christina needed a break, and I can’t deal with an actual Christmas image, so. Snowy wonderland, it is.

I’m trying out the tiny portable space heater we bought at Ollie’s last month. It works pretty nicely, my fingers aren’t cold at all which is just unheard of for me in the winter. Its loud as fuck, though. I can’t even listen to music, because I can’t hear it over the heater. Still. Livable temps in the basement, two thumbs up.

Another package arrived from my sister yesterday, this one just for me. Its a Barbie from the 90s, with a note that she got it at an estate sale and thought maybe I could do something interesting with it. Which…possibly? But I’m not that crazy about working with the 90s dolls, with the small, cramped face and the profile like a ski-jump and the bulky turn-waist body. I like to find my own dolls. I like to just look at one, and get ideas. I wish I didn’t sound completely stupid and ungrateful.

I also wish I had a sandwich from Panera. Maybe we’ll pick something up on the way back from the chiropractor’s this afternoon. Or maybe I’ll just crawl into bed and postpone it. Not feeling so great emotionally this morning. Or really, this week. I really hate Christmas.


The sister and her mister sent us Harry & David for Christmas. A small assortment of cookies and an ugly grinning moose cookie jar that they probably paid way too much for. I’m kind of hoping the jar will leap to its doom against the kitchen floor. Still, cookies that I didn’t have to bake. That’s nice. Particularly since I’m not really feeling like baking this year.

Mom seems pretty confident that I will come around before Christmas. I think she just wants my chocolate chip chunk pecan cookies. Not enough that she’ll just follow the recipe and bake ’em herself, but y’lnow.

I understand, though, because I love Russian teacakes, but if Mom didn’t feel like make them, and we were dependent on me doing it…we would not be having Russian teacakes that year.

Aaaand now I’m hungry. And I don’t think cookies are gonna cut it. Not that that will stop me from having one while I try to decide on something more protein-y. I’m predictable, what can I say.