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Catt's books

Four and Twenty Blackbirds
Wings to the Kingdom
Not Flesh Nor Feathers
Those Who Went Remain There Still
Dreadful Skin
The Living Dead 2
The Thackery T. Lambshead Cabinet of Curiosities: Exhibits, Oddities, Images, and Stories from Top Authors and Artists
Bewere the Night
The Inexplicables
Dead Witch Walking
The Good, the Bad, and the Undead
Every Which Way But Dead
A Fistful of Charms

Catt's favorite books ยป

Defense of Marriage Act is unconstitutional, federal appeals court rules

*does a little dance*

There was nothing about the DoMA that was not wrong and bad and just plain cruel, and I make no claims to have had it the worst — that goes to the gay and lesbian couples who had been together for decades and maybe even had families, and had the government tell them that just by existing and wanting to be with someone they loved they were somehow harming the marriage and families of complete strangers — but it has both saddened and enraged me that, as a bisexual female (yes, I know, I don’t exist, I’m just a greedy indecisive slut, thanks), whether or not I would be able to get married would come down to the genitalia of the person I wound up falling in love with.

So this? This is fucking AWESOME.

*goes back to dancing*


M’tired. And indecisive. And I miss my Glorything. Also, my Sunny Girl, and The Amelia.

On the upside, Donna review. He managed to both delve way too deeply and completely skip a few retconns when going into her backstory (dude, just say she’s Diana’s sister/clone and move on, sheesh), but whatever, Dooooooonnaaaaaaaaaaa. Sooooooo beautifuuuuul, I luuuuuuuuuuuuuuff herrrrrrrrrr.

…..did I mention I’m tired? Yeah.

In conclusion, Donna. Also, these are creepy.


Really, SciFi*? You have Witchslayer Gretl in your DVD shop, but not Lost Girl? Its out in Canada! They use the same format as us! ALL YOU HAVE TO DO IS SLAP YOUR STUPID LOGO WITH ITS ASSFUCK SPELLING IN ONE CORNER, AND YOU’RE READY TO GO.


* No, I will not use their new spelling. No, not ever. Not even for Anna, not even if they paid me. ….okay, possibly if they paid me, but they wouldn’t be willing to pay what I would want to do it, so its kind of moot.



Oh, little girl. I do not know you, but I love you. SO. MUCH.

Pressies! the Sequel (Part Two): Electric Boogaloo

Why is it gorgeous outside, and totally stifling in the house? …oh, right, because 90% of our windows are in two adjacent rooms at one side of the house. >.< Anyway. I'm trying out a gift card for cash exchange, and I’m a little nervous about it, so let’s distract ourselves — with DOLLS! Totally shocking, I know.

One of these things is not like the others; one of these things does not belong.

Hmm. Hmm…who should we focus on first…eh, let’s start with Tristen, she’s got the least photos. And by ‘least,’ I mean ‘one.’ I was a little preoccupied with the bigger girls when I was taking pics the other day, and she got a little ignored. I know, she doesn’t really fit in, but this started out as a continuation of Pressies!, and she was bought with part of the b-day money my brother sent me. So…there she is. She’s the original Tristen from the Moxie Teenz line, and I had been kind of hovering around her for a while, but I was hesitant, primarily because of the inset eyes. When painted doll eyes go wrong, its unfortunate. When inset eyes go wrong, you get creepy zombie dolls. Case in point – LiV dolls. They photograph beautifully, and tend to be soulless, wonk-eyed brainslurpers in person. But then someone listed a NIB Tristen cheap on eBay, and I snapped that bitch up.

Have I ever mentioned I have an eye obsession?

And I am so glad I did! I want more, y’all. She does have a few problems (her knee joints are a bit weak, her one wrist joint is a little FUBAR and can’t bend one way, her wig is of a lower-quality hair that gets rather fly-away) but all in all, I think she’s pretty great. She’s got joints coming out the wazoo, and a pretty face, and her clothes are a little Hot Topic/Forver 21 for my taste, but I do like the color scheme, and aside from the poofy skirt, it all seems pretty comfy (that zipper-tooth hem looks rad, but I would not want to wear it). And the eyelashes that annoyed me so much when I was looking at pictures online? I actually kind of like them in person. They blend more with her facepaint than you’d think, and frankly, anything that brings attention to those eyes is a good thing. I’m seriously looking forward to seeing what the other Teenz eyes look like, because Tristen’s are phenomenal. They’re multicolor. Up-close, from the right angle, they seem to be a slightly greyish blue, with a gold ring aroung the pupil, but most of the time, from most angles, they’re purple. Big, lavendar eyes, surrounded by black lashes. Guh. Crushing so hard, here. *sigh*

Hey, pretty lady, watcha looking at?

Moving clockwise, we have Evan, my 2008 Ultra Basic Tyler Wentworth Blonde. I love that face sculpt. I originally fell in love with the Redhead (that’s her standing behind Evan, we’ll get to her), and I liked her so much that I wound up falling for all the 2008 UB Tylers. Unfortunately, I now have the two easiest to find ones. I’ve only seen the Raven for sale three times, and the con-exclusive Brunette that I’m not even entirely sure exists I have seen precisely never. Evan herself eluded me for several months before I snagged her as a decently-priced BIN. Had I waited even a day, I’m sure someone else would’ve found her and grabbed her. Her clothes are a little boring at the moment, as the poor dear is still in her default bodysuit, but what can you do, Tonner-sized clothes are expensive.

She lacks Carter's visual drama, but she's a beauty in her own right.

I’m thinking bright blue would be fantastic on her. She lovely regardless — hell, she manages to pull off orange lipstick, how the hell do you do that? — but the right color really gives the UBs oomph. As evidenced by her cousin….

That HAIR. That FACE. ....oh, hey, Esme's there, too.

Carter, my darling beloved 2008 UB TW Redhead. Yes, that’s the Esme I got for my birthday beside her, wearing Carter’s old suit, in fact, but focus, people. Look at Caaarteeeeeeeeer. She’s always beautiful, you do Tonner-related searches on eBay, and the UB Redhead shows up over and over as a model for dresses and jewelry; she’s just a great canvas. But that simple espresso brown wrap-top just makes her hair and her eyes and her skintone look amazing. It and the jeans are both from Liquid Sunshine Online. I’ve had the top for a while, but I only just got the jeans with the other half of my b-day money, so that is why Carter is in this post*. That and I luff her omg.

Tall, red, and gorgeous.

Uh-oh. Something got their attention.

Oh, yeah. They're up to something.


….sorry about that. Where were we? Oh, right, Esme!

And she's out of focus.

Bitch has some kind of anti-photo superpowers, I don’t even know. I admit that I am not that great at taking pictures (for all I like doing it), but this is ridiculous. As long as she’s with Carter (BFFs!), things turn out fine. But the minute I try and take a just-Esme picture, its out of focus, or there’s shadow that is somehow ONLY ON HER. No, really:

And now its too dark.

See? Its a bright, lovely day, AND ESME STILL MANAGES TO BE IN SHADOW WTF.

AND THOSE ARE THE ONES THAT TURNED OUT. For given value of “turned out.” I dunno, maybe she’s shyer than I initially thought, and Carter helps her chillax. I mean, they were pretty obviously plotting something. It just better not involve Esme getting clothes, because my wallet has cartoon moths fluttering out of it, and my Paypal account has a grand total of $.38. This well is all tapped-out. …..maybe for Christmas, though.

*You are now wondering why Evan is there, then, yes? Its very simple: because, yes. ;p