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Catt's books

Four and Twenty Blackbirds
Wings to the Kingdom
Not Flesh Nor Feathers
Those Who Went Remain There Still
Dreadful Skin
The Living Dead 2
The Thackery T. Lambshead Cabinet of Curiosities: Exhibits, Oddities, Images, and Stories from Top Authors and Artists
Bewere the Night
The Inexplicables
Dead Witch Walking
The Good, the Bad, and the Undead
Every Which Way But Dead
A Fistful of Charms

Catt's favorite books ยป

I can’t quite figure out why Australia is suddenly so pissy about Britney lately. Is she so unpopular there that word is only now spreading to the general public? Or is the vast majority of their population really that stupid? Is there something in the air, that only a handful escape with their braincells intact, and I somehow know the few intelligent survivors personally? ARE YOU PEOPLE SERIOUSLY ONLY JUST NOW FIGURING OUT SHE LIP-SYNCS? REALLY?

I just don’t even know, y’all.

In other news…there is no other news, really. I’m heinously depressed, and thus not up to much of anything, and please god don’t let this be my holiday funk settling in early, because even the thought of two more months of this (or, y’know, longer if I’m really unlucky and it lingers) makes me want to cry and choke and drown myself in the sink. I want a doll. I don’t know why, I just do, and its not even a yen for a specific doll, although I can certainly think of ones I’d prefer, but I just want a doll. I can’t have a doll, though, because we are broke and already bought the house Christmas present (a Wii! …that we have no games for) and whatever sick power decided that depression should trigger my shopping gene needs to get a cosmic gun in his/her mouth.

Wow. This is just the upliftingest entry ever! Awesome.

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