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Catt's books

Four and Twenty Blackbirds
Wings to the Kingdom
Not Flesh Nor Feathers
Those Who Went Remain There Still
Dreadful Skin
The Living Dead 2
The Thackery T. Lambshead Cabinet of Curiosities: Exhibits, Oddities, Images, and Stories from Top Authors and Artists
Bewere the Night
The Inexplicables
Dead Witch Walking
The Good, the Bad, and the Undead
Every Which Way But Dead
A Fistful of Charms

Catt's favorite books ยป

So. Things you may not know wbout the KitCatt — I collect bottles. Mostly beer bottles (love the smell, hate the taste) with a few other random bottles thrown in. My latest one is a Guinness Draft, which is cool, cause unlike my other two which simply have different labels, this one has a unique shape to go with its label. This brings my grand total to 10 beer bottles, 2 wine bottles, 2 root beer bottles that look like beer bottles, 2 imported liquor bottles, and an old fashioned Coca-Cola bottle, which, if used for a weapon would probably cave in someone’s skull before it got a crack. Its supposed to be glass, but I’m pretty sure its actually made of transparent, reinforced steel.

Admittedly, this is a fairly small collection, but when you consider that my idea of a drinking binge involves eight iced coffees with dinner at Chapp’s…it suddenly becomes a bit more impressive. And a hell of a lot odder…..


Everyone should go check out O-God!-Town. It might not be the best site graphically, but sweet jeez is it one the best boyband humor sites ever. I nearly choked reading the Making the Band review, I was laughing so hard. Nadya really needs to put a “no food or drink” warning on that puppy…..


I so, so want these.

And yes, I am aware of how fucking wrong that is.


Further documentation that Michael and I are completely insane:

Miki: *pets* there, there. it’ll be okay. it will. would you like a sledgehammer?

Andy: *grins* oooooh yes please

Miki: ….goddammit, if i’m going to debase myself by going to the official page for a boyband that looks like rejects for the role of harvey dent and don’t even have the correct number of fuckers, i at least want the gallery to be quality, OFFICIAL type fucking photos >.<
Miki: *gives him sledgehammer*

Andy: *sweatdrops* um maybe you need it.

Miki: wait……a 98 degrees site that isn’t a complete eyesore? there’s……something wrong here……..

Andy: RUN. it’s a trap

Miki: i can’t……its….tasteful, and gently colored, and light on the graphics…..i must know why…….

Andy: proceed with caution. there’ll probably be some stuff down.

Miki: *tiny voice* its all working so far….and…..they used thumbnails in the gallery, not the evil “pic 1” text link so many use…..

Andy: good heavens then it’s shangri la of 98 degrees * stupified*

Miki: i…..i’m scared

Andy: so am i. so am I. so scared that porn isn’t even helping me now

Miki: *peers out the window to see if the sky is on fire*

Andy: *looks down do see if earth is being split open*

Andy: *hugs* save me. I see weird people.

Miki: *hugs back* define weird people

Andy: mormon looking people

Miki: *screams and hides*

Andy: my reaction. you have no idea how hard it is to type on a keyboard when you laying on the ground

Miki: *nods* huddled in the crawl space under your desk, and the keyborad is on a sliding tray above you? damn, damn hard to type. but better than being found by the mormons

Andy: very true. very very true.

Miki: *cowers*

Andy: *hides on floor*

Miki: *wishes she had JuJu Bear with her to protect her*

Andy: they’re no where near you. there walking by my house

Miki: so? mormons can teleport by their will alone

Andy: true. it scares me.

Miki: but they can’t come in unless you invite them. like vampires, only evil.

Miki: well…..clowns at any rate.

Andy: true.

Miki: and monkeys

Andy: babboons specifically

Miki: don’t exist. gorillas, tho. and chimpanzees. gorillas are at least honest about being gross and evil. chimps try to confuse you. chimps are all, “look at me i’m little and i imitate you. take me into your home and teach me sign launguage so that i may ingest the bowels of your young.”

Andy: *lmao*

Miki: *blinks repeatedly* i want $36.50

Andy: and why do you want $36.50?

Miki: to further lose my soul

Andy: that’s not an answer

Miki: yes it is

Andy: not one I wanted to hear

Miki: and yet, nonetheless, an answer

Andy: argh.

Miki: *cowers*

Andy: you force me to do this. *drops to knees and begs* please tell me what it is. pretty please

Miki: iwantthemoneysothaticanjoinafanclub

Andy: nsync right?

Miki: *pulls head limbs and all other parts inside her shirt*

Andy: well at least it’s not 98 degress

Andy: that’s not right but it sounds better then the real name

Miki: i said lose my soul, not become one with carson daly

Miki: oh dear god, oh dear god *rips hand off and throws it across the room before she can click*

Andy: what are you doing?

Miki: *watches hand lying on floor across the room, searching for signs of movement* stopping myself from buying things that are just wrong, wrong, and not right

Andy: more boyband stuff huh?

Miki: nsync metal lunchbox >.< i've wanted one ever since i saw 'em at samgoody's in december
Andy: yeah okay that is wrong

Miki: i knoooooooooooooooooow

Miki: wait. did the hand just twitch? *stares very hard at hand*

Andy: it may have. you know hands. can’t exactly control em

Miki: yes. but what really worries me, is that i have been known to channel ash in the past. *pokes hand with a very long stick*

Andy: okay yeah ouch. um kill the hand

Miki: *sets hand on fire*

Andy: make sure it doesn’t like resurect or anything

Miki: hmm. *imbeds a likeness of a naked carrottop on the fried hand*

Andy: I found myself watching 3-2-1 contact. do you know how fucking moronic that show is. and half the shit they were talking about is now in-applacable. *sigh* I also seem to be watching a lot of cooking shows

Miki: i like to watch buffy at 7 am

Andy: so do I. and *bawling* zoids. yes I admit it I watch zoids.

Miki: i watch jackie chan adventures

Andy: I watch …………I watch adult swim.

Miki: ………………………………………i like the Fushigi Yuugi dub

Andy: I bought robotech dvds

Miki: i own sheena

Andy: sheena?

Miki: sheena. oldish movie with tonya roberts as a female tarzan-type. there’s naked waterfall showering, and she dases about in a roughly-made leather bikini thing

Andy: ah. I own both of the conans. the first two evil deads, and red sonja. and beastmaster. you can’t get any dumber then beastmaster

Miki: i own the second and third evil deads, and i’ve seen all three beastmaster films. trust me, they get dumber.

Andy: beastmaster. movie talk for. ‘we couldn’t think of anything, so eh will shit on camera and call it a movie.’

Miki: *lol*

Andy: *sigh* I own the ninja turtles soundtrack.

Miki: i own the on the line soundtrack

Andy: better then ninja turtles

Andy: and you got the whole lance bass thing going.

Miki: true. and joey gets like, entire songs. did you know he can actually sing? but still………….meredith edwards is on it. meredith edwards, michael. lance’s little country protege. how wrong is that?

Andy: very much so. but not as wrong as *pulls out tape* surf ninjas

Miki: *falls over laughing*


“Yep, that’s us. Just two cynical, sarcastic, hopeless romantics.”

– Michael, on me, him, and our responses to Clex fic and the Kasumi/Ranma ‘ship


*lol* I have too much fricking time on my hands, people, I really do….

I love Lex!

Find out who your Smallville Lover is!


Just so you know? Don’t bother reading the Buffy novel Resurrecting Ravana. It starts off very nicely with the whole hunting of the hellhounds bit, but then it just deteriorates in mediocre writing and hideously bad mischaracterization during the second chapter. It was too painful to continue any further than that, and really, judging from the summary on the back and the blurb inside, I don’t think the author actually knows who/what Ravana is, anyway.

Also? I might be a Star Wars slut with a jones for guitarists, but even I think these are stupid and lame.


HaHA! I beat Final Fantasy 9!! *does a dance*

Ne, I kinda wanna play it again now, tho…. o.O;;


Eeeeeeeeeew, dQ looks like shaved monkey ass on this compie! T_T


Well, this is, um…bizarre. My mom got a new computer (if you’re one of the people I talk to online, and you haven’t seen me the last couple days…that’s why). Its kinda cool, cause its like, the super latest damn-near-everything, and you can set it up so everyone who might use the comp can have everything precisely the way they want it without pissing everyone else off — case in point, the TV Whore motif currently running on my old-as-balls comp across the room, which I’m enjoying, would drive my mother insane. Also of the coolness? Came with a CD-RW drive. Shibby-schweet.

However, the massive balls-sucking kicks in when you realize that the CD-RW drive is not in addition to, but rather instead of a zip drive. Yes, I know, you can put more info on a CD, and blah blah fucking blah. Guess what, tho, kids? This is the only computer in the house that will actually connect to the internet. All my files (read, my websites, music files, and anything that I might actually want to burn onto a CD) are either on my hand-me-down comp, or sitting on zip disks. Say it with me now, folks — OW. >.< This is what's called "lack of planning." I mean, really, explain to me how anyone who's upgrading to a new computer is supposed to get their new files from the old one to the new one with no zip drive. Newsflash, Gateway, not everything will fit on a floppy.

Then again…maybe that’s the point.