
collective :: Beloved Aoi
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Catt's books

Four and Twenty Blackbirds
Wings to the Kingdom
Not Flesh Nor Feathers
Those Who Went Remain There Still
Dreadful Skin
The Living Dead 2
The Thackery T. Lambshead Cabinet of Curiosities: Exhibits, Oddities, Images, and Stories from Top Authors and Artists
Bewere the Night
The Inexplicables
Dead Witch Walking
The Good, the Bad, and the Undead
Every Which Way But Dead
A Fistful of Charms

Catt's favorite books ยป

So, here’s the joke:

I’m bitter and moody, I hate happy people and sunlight. My favorite song in the entire universe, till the end of ever, amen? The happiest, sunniest song ever — “Walking on Sunshine.”


sounds like: aj & aly, “walking on sunshine” ON REPEAT UNTIL I DIE


WHEEEE! She is ours, precioussssssss. *twirls* Seriously, man, love Sheena. So. Much. And even with shipping, I ended up paying less than I’ve seen people ask for opening bids. Gotta see about getting her a little case to sit in, so she can be all dust-free.

Also? The whole msscribe story goes on FOR. EV. ER. I imagine it went on a lot more forever for people who actually lived it. Poor bastards.

I am this >< close to having to put mixtape on a different filter. Seriously, if they're letting through like, three or four new posts a day before even lunchtime, my flist's gonna be flooded. It fucking IS flooded. At this rate, I almost hope they do decide to boot any member who doesn’t submit a post, just so that I can actually read my flist, again. THEY’RE POSTING MORE THAN THE ICON TUTORIALS COMM, PEOPLE. And they’re significantly harder to skip past. *sprays them all in boiling boogers*

……….I. Wow. That was really unbelivably disgusting. And. Sounded kind of painful, really.


I think we have a bird living in our chimney. o.O;

Am very tired, but I’ve been sucked in by the psycho story of msscribe and her amazing sockpuppets, and I’m having trouble breaking away.

Also, there’s an auction for a Sheena figure ending in a few hours, and we wants it, our preciousssssss. …..actually, at this point, I think its mostly the Sheena figure, because I’m tired enough that all the amazing investigative journalfenning is starting to blur into a written version of the grown-ups’ voices in Peanuts cartoons. *eyes glaze* Must…make it…to…end…of page….


And that lasted about two seconds. Bah. I don’t know, the chart bar’s supposed to work with Windows Media Player 9 or 10, and hi, Kasumi’s running 10. WORK, DAMN YOU, WORK!


New layout! SHAN-SAMA! *dies from love*

Also, trying something new on the sidebar, but as I don’t even know if I’m going to keep my account with at this point, its hard to say whether its going to stay this way. I like the idea of it, if nothing else.

Simultaneously working my way through S1 of House (as Netflix gets around to sending it to me), and S3 of Charmed (as I just bought it). Its…an interesting contrast. *lol*

…..and I totally did not just think of House and Prue having sex. Gah. MY BRAIN IS SO WRONG, PEOPLE.


I’m getting really sick of feeling unwanted and unloved. And there’s no real reason for me to be feeling this way, I just do, and its horrible and I’m tired of it, and it can stop any time, okay?

It doesn’t really help that my instictinve response to feeling depressed and alone is to spend money. Which I barely have, and will only leave me feeling guilty on top of everything else.

Knowing this doesn’t really stop the urge. Especially when its stuff I’ve been wanting, anyway. *sighs*


HA! FOUND YOU, BITCH! ….of curse, you’re $20, so I guess technically you win this one, after all.

BUT! Now I know what they’re called, at least, and that should help. Maybe. I think. Kind of. Shut up.


Its so much fun trying to find auctions for a line of dolls that you can’t quite remember the name of. *beats head against desk* I don’t know! The ones with the bicycles! Or the Vespas! Either one’s good, man. I don’t even ask that they still have the bikes or scooters, I just want the doll, because that line had jointed knees. Which meant that the entire leg was hard plastic, which means I can just pop the head off and dye the entire body without having to worry about fucking up the legs.

Well. Any more so than they’ll be after I try to dye flesh-tones grey, anyway.

I just want a Sparkle figure, okay? And, hey, if it works, I might try dying one gold, so that Starfire can keep Raven company. But right now, I just want to try and make Sparkle. And that means finding the stupid My Scene line with the stupid jointed knees. Bah.

Once more unto the breach.


I love how Amazon’s reccomendations are based on the flimsiest logic ever. “You like Queen? You have a Who album? You’ll totally love every 70s rock album EVER.” Uh. No. No, I really won’t. “You like *Nsync? And Backstreet? HERE’S EVERY CHRISTIAN BOYBAND THAT EVER EXISTED.” …….there are not enough words to fully convey how very much no.

And why am I being punished for having a Britney fetish by being recc’ed Mariah Carey, over and over and over again? Its not even the marginally bearable early-Mariah. Its scary, slutty, over-inflated-sense-of-self-worth-and-a-drastically-skewed-bdy-image Mariah. …….okay, yeah, parts of that are a little Brit, but…shut up.

They did get one thing very right, though. This album happens to contain my favorite song of all time, ever, for eternity. But there’s no way I’m paying $15.50 just to have it.


I’m trying to do a new layout for here, but the muses, they are not cooperating. Which would suggest that possibly I should choose a different picture, or try having it lay differently, but I want this one, dammit, and I want the mouth, and that glimpse of slow, pale curves just before the tables hit.

Its just that its leaving this big dead area, and text doesn’t seem to work there, and adding a second image just distracts from the one I really want.

I’m so out of practice creatively. All the voices got so quiet, and then I tried less and less, and the longer it is, the harder it is to get them to speak again.

*sighs* I probably shouldn’t be trying when I’m tired, anyway, but it helps to distract me from feeling like the clingy, pathetic, unwanted friend who won’t take a hint.